Make Your Grocery Shopping Healthier

With a few simple tips you can overcome the urge to purchase the things you crave, but don’t need. It’s easy if you know what to do!

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
2 min readAug 22, 2018


Don’t grocery shop when you are hungry!

There, I said it. Just trust me, and don’t do it. It’s a sure-fire way to end up with things in your basket you don’t really need, and a hell of a way to eat too many calories.

You’ll crave things, and devour them just because you bought the items.

Instead, think smart, and shop smart.

With a few simple tips you can overcome the urge to purchase the things you crave, but don’t need. It’s easy if you know what to do!

Make a list

…and STICK to the list! Keep it close and only visit the aisles where the food on your list is located.

Stay focused and don’t deviate from what you actually need. You’ll save money and your waistline.

Produce is your friend

Spend the majority of your time in the fresh food section.

If you do end up deviating from your list, chances are it will be for fruit, vegetables or fresh foods, rather than the packet stuff.

Choose 100%

Okay, so we all know we will probably deviate at times — I am guilty of that, don’t worry.

If you do, look for ‘100%’. You know? 100% fruit, 100% nuts, 100% of whatever food you’re looking at. You don’t want an ingredients list on the packet that has things you don’t understand.

Stick to ingredients you know — the 100% rule is a great way to do that.

If all of this passes you by and you just can’t help yourself, don’t beat yourself up over it. That’s important too.

We all have our cravings, and sometimes they get the better of us. The supermarket has so many tricks up it’s sleeve to convince you to buy the things you crave, so it’s not all you!

Try and implement these tips for a successful shopping trip, minus the snacks you don’t need.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!