Save yourself those extra kilos

What are you doing that could be causing an extra kg or two each year to sit on your frame?

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readSep 20, 2017


Simple and easy things to do to save on extra kilos

We don’t mean for it to happen, but over time the extra kilos can creep on.

What are you doing that could be causing an extra kilo a year to sit on your frame?

You may not even realise it at the time, but over a decade, it can be a problem for your health and fitness goals. There are a few things you can pay a little extra attention to that might help keep those kilos off, and prevent you waking up in a few years time wondering how it happened in the first place!

Choose lower calorie foods

Fewer calories eaten = less excess energy to turn into fat. So pay a bit of attention to the calorie count of the foods you’re eating, and try to eat more of those foods which contain fewer calories overall.

Foods that are low in calories, but high in nutritional goodness (such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lean cuts of meat) are great to bulk up the amount of food you’re eating, without the equivalent increase in calories!

Get Good Sleep — And Enough Of It!

Don’t under estimate sleep and how it affects your snacking habits — that’s right, snacking!

When you stay up late at night, you may eat more just because you’re awake longer. Chances are, you’re munching away on things you don’t really feel like (and definitely don’t need!).

Go to bed at an earlier time if you can, and try to get in at least 7 hours (it’s good for your health)!

Use Exercise (Not Food!) For Social Catch Ups

Instead of catching up with friends over food, go for a walk!

A chat on the move is very beneficial, for everyone involved. You don’t realise how many times a week you catch up over an extra coffee and cake, or a lunch — it does add up if you make it a weekly habit.

You’re consuming more, and probably being less mindful while you chat, so instead of settling in for a long brunch on the weekend, head outside and walk it off!

You won’t see those extra kilos creep on if they’re blasted away instead of consumed.

These are just a few simple things you can pay attention to and change now, for the better. Don’t be afraid to tweak your habits, because, in a decade, you’ll thank yourself for being mindful, trust me!

My Muscle Chef provides great tasting & nutritious portion controlled meals to thousands of active Aussies across NSW, ACT, QLD, and VIC. Find a meal plan that’s tailored to suit your goals, or create your own custom plan from our menu of 50+ meals all in three sizes. Order today!



When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!