Mario’s Shaping Up To Be His Best Self

Mario’s transformation started when he realised he owed it to himself and his loved ones to be the best version of himself possible.

Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef
3 min readAug 17, 2018


The health achievement I’m most proud of is losing 9kgs between March & July 2018.

I started out at 86 kgs (the heaviest I’d ever been) and ended up at 77 kgs!

I was inspired to make this change when I realised I owed it to myself & my loved ones to be the best version of me I could be, and the weight I had reached was not my ideal self.

Keep up with Mario’s progress on Instagram:

The most challenging part for me was forming a habit of better eating & regular exercise.

There were many temptations (especially in the first few weeks!) to break promises about what I would and would-not eat, or skip going to the gym because it was ‘too cold’, that could have derailed me if I hadn’t been really focussed.

I began looking forward to eating healthy & exercising every day!

After the habits of improved eating & regular exercise were formed, the most unexpected thing happened — I really began looking forward to eating healthy AND exercising every day!

Becoming addicted to the feeling of satisfaction after a healthy meal or challenging workout was certainly not something I had anticipated from the start.

Running towards new goals 👟

Now, I’ve got about 2 more kgs that I’d like to lose/convert to muscle, and a goal to run in any fundraising race this year over 10kms. I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to do the City2Surf due to other commitments this year, but have not given up on this as a goal!

Getting back into the My Muscle Chef habit.

I was actually a My Muscle Chef customer a few years ago before slipping into an unhealthy routine.

I started back up ordering My Muscle Chef meals early in 2018, combined with my own home cooked meals — My Muscle Chef trumped any of my efforts every time…

My Muscle Chef is a great choice for me for two reasons: tasty menu options & convenience.

Having a wide variety of menu choices made eating healthier an easier transition plus zero preparation/cleanup time meant zero impact to my busy weekly timetable.

My favourite My Muscle Chef meal is the Beef Stroganoff, but my 7 year old daughter loves the Spaghetti Bolognese!

My Muscle Chef fuels your life with great tasting portion controlled meals, delivered to your door. Place your order today!

Part of the My Muscle Chef crew, and have a transformation story you’d like to share? Answer a few questions at this link and you could score free food & fitness prizes for sharing your story!



Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef

Marketing at My Muscle Chef. Loves all kinds of movement. Happiest in nature or at the gym. Owns more activewear than is strictly necessary.