Strength training and progression

My Muscle Chef
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2016

Every so often I’ll have girls asking me how I improved my strength numbers, what are my tips and how do i stay motivated.

A few months ago I moved back home with mum and dad and as I was packing things away I found my very first training diary. I get pretty caught up in progress and like most I am my harshest critic so i freaking loved reading my old thoughts and my old lifts.

I read one, it was back squats at 35kg for 5x5. And my comments were, ‘omg it felt so hard’. Another was a front squat, ‘25kg 5x3’ and failed a 40kg for 1.

I look at my numbers now, i’m comfortably hitting 80+ kg for reps in my back squat and 60+kg for reps in my front squat, with significantly improved technique.

But how did I get there?

Honestly it’s pretty simple, but it does take time.

I followed a programme and progressively added weight. I stuck with the simple 5 by 5 and added 1.5–2.5 kg each week.

I also played around and did thing like every minute on the minute -2 heavy reps.

In addition, I tested my 1 rep max.

I found the advantage of 1 rep max and every minute on the minute is that you realize how strong you actually are. Lifting has a huge mental component and it really assists in you overcoming those barriers.

In summary, keep lifting, work on your form, work on your mobility, lift often, progressively add weight, continue to retest your maxes every 6–12 weeks after a programme completion.

Roxy x

