The Best Partner Workout Post Valentine’s

After a day of indulging in a few Valentine’s desserts, a special dinner perhaps and some rich restaurant food, it is time to knock off that chocolate coma, and get moving!

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readFeb 20, 2018


Grab a mate and burn off your over-indulgences

Did you enjoy Valentine’s Day last week? Everyone loves a good excuse to chow down a few extra chocolates, or strawberries dipped in chocolate (even better), but it probably made you feel a bit sluggish, didn’t it? After a day of indulging in a few Valentine’s desserts, a special dinner perhaps and some rich restaurant food, it is time to knock off that chocolate coma, and get moving!

What better way to move than with a partner; perfect workout solution for you and a pal is below — one of my favourites uses a resistance band for an added challenge.

Triceps Kickbacks — 10 Reps Per Arm

  • stand facing your partner with knees bent, hips square to the front and a little pushed back, core engaged.
  • each person needs to hold one side of the resistance bank on the same side (right hand for one partner, left hand for the other)
  • bend your body slightly toward each other from the waist (link a hinge). Both of you should bend elbows 90 degrees and keep your elbow and biceps tight to your sides.z
  • extend your arm, using triceps to push the band away from your partner.
  • slowly re-bend the arm and come back to the 90 degree angle and repeat.

Resistance Band Chest Press — 1 Minute Each

  • hold both ends of the resistance band, with the loop hanging loosely behind your body
  • your partner will need to act as the anchor, holding the loop and stepping directly behind you until there is enough tension.
  • raise both hands to shoulder height, elbows bent 90 degrees (so that your elbows, biceps and forearms are parallel to the ground). Brace your balance by stepping one foot forward into a slight lunge.
  • with core tight, and a slight bend to the right knee, push your arms forward, fully extending both arms in a ‘press’ motion (you should feel a lot of resistance depending on the tension created by your partner) repeat this step and the switch!

Band Jumps — 15 Reps Each

  • stand in front of your partner, facing away from them.
  • loop the resistance band around your waist, with your partner holding the ends of the band in each hand.
  • step forward until you feel tension.
  • your partner should stand with knees slightly bent, while you jump forward as far as possible.
  • jump by bending your knees, sending hips back, keeping core tight, and then exploding up and forward.
  • land lightly on your toes, then take a few steps back to return to start position. Repeat quickly and then switch!

You don’t have to use the resistance band if you’re a beginner, or aren’t feeling like a challenge post your chocolate coma. Just keep to your body weight, or even add a dumbbell if you prefer it. You can still burn calories and feel like you’ve smashed a workout either way! Workout partners are an awesome way to stay motivated too, so try keeping up the habit and invite your gym buddy with you on your next workout.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!