The Game Plan For Staying Fit

It doesn’t matter how old you are, or what your current fitness levels are right at this moment; you too can GET and STAY fit.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readDec 8, 2017


A few easy tips to staying fit year round

In 9/10 conversations I have about health and fitness, someone asks me about how I manage to keep it up; how is it that I keep my level of fitness all year round, and keep a smile on my face?

Well, firstly, it isn’t always smiles, let’s get that on the table right from the beginning!

But yes, I do manage to keep my fitness a priority year round. So I’m here to share with you some simple tips you can implement right away to improve and maintain your fitness levels!

Harness your mental mojo

Actively find ways to maintain your interest in your training. We can get stuck doing the same thing, day in and day out — familiar exercises, familiar equipment, a familiar fitness programme.

The issue with ‘familiar’ is that it gets boring, becomes a chore and slowly, you lose resolve to continue doing it.

Try scouring the net for new exercises, or sign up for a class you never thought you’d try.

Invest in a trainer for a session to revive your interest, or recruit a buddy to train with you — often your buddy has new ideas that keep you on your toes!

Go hard, just not everyday

Not surprisingly, if you go nuts 365 days a year, you’ll burn out. It’s not worth it. If you burn out, you’ll stop being active, and it’s heaps harder to pick yourself up and get back into it afterwards.

There isn’t a need to be training intensely everyday of the year to be fit all year round, heck, I don’t!

In order to promote a healthy balance, allow your muscles time to recover and to prevent injury, manage your intensity.

Alternate the days you want to give it everything you’ve got, with something a little less taxing.

It doesn’t mean you don’t exercise (if 365 days a year takes your fancy), it just means balancing the high intensity workouts with more moderate exercise.

Get enough good quality sleep

Both the quantity and quality of your sleep is important, no matter your age or activity levels.

Sleep helps your body repair and recover properly, ready to smash your exercise the next day.

Sleep deprivation could lead to injury, especially if you find yourself feeling lethargic, and your muscles feel sore. You might not recover to the best of your body’s ability and this will only accumulate over time should you not get adequate rest.

It might also lead you to skip your exercise altogether (and you don’t want that). Best to be safe and give yourself the best chance at smashing your workouts (instead of hitting the snooze button) and get your 7–9 hours sleep.

Master these few things and see your lifestyle change

So that’s it, simple yet effective. Try implementing these tips today! No more asking the question, you’ll be joining the ‘year round fit’ club in no time.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!