The Magic of Protein

When we venture on a new diet or fitness plan, one of the hardest parts is that uncomfortable feeling you get when you’re always hungry.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
2 min readJul 3, 2018


Want to stay fuller for longer? Keep your protein high

When we venture on a new diet or fitness plan, one of the hardest parts is that uncomfortable feeling you get when you’re always hungry.

There is a quick and easy solution to help you out during your transition, or, if you’re just generally hungry all of the time — PROTEIN!

Protein is a lifesaver for squashing hunger pangs, as it is by far the most satiating of macros.

Here are a few quick and simple ‘on the go’ snacks you can keep with you or easily pick up, to save you in times of hunger.

They’re super high in protein and relatively low in calories, so you can bet there is a solution here that suits your needs.

Hard boiled eggs

Eggs are full of vitamins and minerals for one, but most importantly, they’re very high in protein. An egg will pack a punch with approximately 6.3 grams of protein per large egg.

A boiled egg is easy to transport and store, and you can cook them in large batches too. A very easy snack to have on the go, and one that will keep you full until your next meal.

Plain yogurt

Yes, as a dairy option, yogurt can get a bit of a bad wrap. It has beneficial bacteria contained within it (the good kind, promise), and these have a range of benefits including better digestion.

Now, who wouldn’t want that? besides the perks of good bacteria, the protein content in one serve is off the charts. One cup contains 8.5 grams of protein — add your favourite berries, or nuts and you have a very easy snack that will keep your tummy happy until lunch.

Glass of milk

Keeping it very simple here, but a glass of milk is not to be underestimated. Milk is a huge provider of calcium and vitamins A, D and many of the B vitamins too.

Not to mention a whopping 8 grams of protein per cup. The full fat milk has actually been found to be much healthier for you in multiple studies, so don’t think the skim variety is the best. Be sure to drink up what tastes best for you, not necessarily what says ‘low fat’ on the label.

Any ‘diet’ that puts you in a calorie deficit is going to make you feel a little uncomfortable, but you don’t have to struggle at all hours of the day. Choose your meals and snacks wisely, and you might find you stay fuller for longer, while still seeing all the results you want!

My Muscle Chef fuels your life with great tasting portion controlled meals, delivered to your door. Place your order today!



When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!