This Cheeky Trick Could Be The Secret To A Better Workout

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2018

Are you finding that you aren’t getting the most out of your workouts?

You could be slacking off, or you might find that your body no longer likes the time of day you decide to fit your workout in.

Bet you didn’t think timing would be important, but let me fill you in on a little secret… it matters, and it matters big!

Every person is different, and has differing needs to fuel a workout, no matter what that workout might be.

I can smash my cardio in a fasted state, so I workout first thing in the morning, but so many others can’t as they’ve got no energy to push. I feel ill if I do a heavy weights session with no food, but others work best with no pre-workout meal.

You have to stop and ask yourself — are you making the most out of your workout?

Rise & shine, morning people!

If you love working out in the morning, make sure you warm-up before jumping into it. Raising your body temperature will help your body train harder.

Push as hard as you can when you feel your body temperature rise, and don’t THINK about any weakness. You’ll find yourself lifting less if you’re in your head too much. Trust your body and let it push. Mind over matter they say, but in this case, it’s your body over mind.

You don’t have to eat — but understand your energy levels and pay attention to how fasted training makes you feel.

Are you working hard, or is your body giving in before your mind does and tricking you into thinking you’re fatigued?

Afternoon sweat sessions more your style?

If the afternoon is your preferred training time, chances are you’ll feel stronger, so schedule your lifting sessions around this time. Your body will be fuelled with food from throughout the day, so you can assume you have more energy to burn, therefore able to push further.

Not true for all, as not everyone has the same diet — be sure to eat well and have balanced meals throughout the day to ensure you are given the best chance to smash your workouts to the full potential.

The lesson here is don’t blindly follow what the person next to you is doing. Just because it works for them, doesn’t mean you’ll get the most out of your workout when you do the same.

When you exercise may may a huge difference in how you feel and perform, so be sure to do what’s right for you to give yourself the best chance at achieving the goals you set.

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!