Three Simple Ways To Make Veggies Less Boring

In three simple steps, you too can be on your way to eating delicious vegetables at every meal, nothing complicated required.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readJul 3, 2018


Eat your veggies! They don’t have to be boring

Vegetables are healthy and essential for health, but I am well aware they can be very, VERY boring. They don’t have to be!

In three simple steps, you too can be on your way to eating delicious vegetables at every meal, nothing complicated required. At the end of this post I hope that you no longer need convincing that veggies are downright delicious.

Roast them!

Sick of steaming greens? Ovens are not just for baked desserts or pizza (although, I have got nothing wrong with pizza!).

Your veggies can be baked and brought to life, in so many ways. Whether it be a light dusting of flavour, or special sauces poured over the top, you can turn a seemingly dull green vegetable into a masterpiece that people in your household will fight over.

My favourites include parmesan broccoli and spicy/sweet brussels sprouts (made from honey and Sriracha sauce). Easy, made with things you probably already have in your kitchen.

Toss your broccoli in baking dish, splash with olive oil and sprinkle with parmesan for a salty delight. Or grab your brussels sprouts, toss in honey and Sriracha sauce and roast on a baking tray. Honestly, these greens never tasted so good.

Fry them!

Frying has such a bad name, but it is only going to set you back if you know nothing about portion sizes, and you don’t control the oils you use. Stick to olive oil or coconut oil in tablespoons amounts, and you’ll be fine.

Frying doesn’t have to be the enemy, and it can make your veggies taste divine. You all know of the stir FRY right?

Chopping up seasonal veggies and throwing them in a hot pan can do wonders for flavour. Add in low sodium soy sauce for that salty taste, or again, honey and coconut oil for something sweeter.

It doesn’t take much, but a hot pan can really up your veggie game.

Grill them!

The good ol’ healthy grill — works a treat if you enjoy that crisp taste super fast. Not as lengthy as roasting, but still filled with flavour.

I love grilling eggplant and mushrooms — I call them veggie steaks! Marinated in balsamic vinegar and olive oil, these veggies are super easy to cook and delicious on their own.

Lay them out on your grill and watch them crisp to perfection. Easy peasy.

No-one will have to remind you to eat your vegetables with these easy tips at your finger tips. You’re going to want to eat your veggies at every meal, I don’t doubt it.

If you have got any ideas on how to make veggies great, be sure to share in the comments. I’d love to see your ideas!

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!