Three Things I Realised Don’t Matter While Preparing For A Fitness Model Competition

Embrace those things that make you who you are, and be passionate and proud to chase your dreams.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
4 min readNov 10, 2017


Since competing for the first time, and learning what actual commitment, dedication and sacrifice really mean (in my life), there are a few things I find myself just no longer really worrying about.

These can also apply to you.

Embrace those things that make you who you are, and be passionate and proud to chase your dreams.

Don’t let the things you can brush off your shoulders hold you back!

Post Competition: The Things I No Longer Worry About

Being a certain weight on the scales

Goodness, this one always brought me unstuck — during competition, it is hard not to monitor the scales, as they can be an indicator of progress and are a much needed tool to continuing down the right path BUT, they are not the be all and end all.

Muscle weighs more than fat, and growth on the scales for muscle building is such a good thing — but even beyond that…

TAKE PHOTOS, forget the scale, and listen to your body. Judge your progress by how you feel, and how your clothes might fit, or how you can’t wipe the smile off your face because you’re finally conquering your fears, smashing goals and finding a healthier you.

Judgement and negativity

It’s hard to avoid this one — as a society, we’re quick to judge, and we’re swift to find the negatives.

You don’t have to let this get to you though, find what makes you positive and stick with it.

Don’t engage with the negativity, and don’t involve yourself with the judgement, as it is going to happen regardless of what you say or do.

Now I am not saying nothing gets to me, I have my days, heck, I have my WEEKS… but my life does not come to a screaming halt like it may have in the past. Competing in a sport that is all about being judged certainty changed my attitude here.

When I have bad days, I usually call on those closest to me -let it out, and they either laugh with me, or bring me back to earth.

I can’t emphasise how having a strong support network can sometimes make or break your attitude when you find yourself surrounded by judgment and negativity.

Those who you surround yourself with can lift you up, further than you ever imagined — choose these individuals wisely.

Spending so much time on myself

Bodybuilding is a selfish sport, let’s not dilly-dally around that. When you’re down to the wire, it can be a bit all consuming of your life, so you have to put yourself first.

I spent a year worrying about how I was making others feel by chasing my dreams. Now, looking back, this makes NO sense — it’s my goal, so why should I feel guilty for chasing my dreams and pursuing what I want in life?

It’s probably because change is hard — socially, if the circle you usually roll with choose not to understand why you have changed your habits and changed your outlook on life, than you’re probably going to be made to feel bad about it.

This lack of understanding is something you should be aware of, you’ll inevitably come across those who will not let you feel good about what you’re achieving, they’ll never have nice things to say, but do not let it stop you!

I no longer worry about it because those people who care about me and what I want to achieve, support me no matter what. We support each other regardless, and they understand why I make time for me more than I used to.

Keep the people in your life who truly love you, support you, motivate you and make you happy. If you have people in your life that don’t, let them go.

I hope that by sharing my insights and lessons learned from competing, you too can improve like I have — without the need for a sparkly bikini and crazy tan!

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!