What’s On Your Fitness Bucket List?

Make a list of things you dream of trying and watch yourself stay motivated, healthy and excited.

When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef
3 min readJan 8, 2018


We’ve all heard of a ‘bucket list’ for life experiences, why not have a bucket list for fitness?

The very nature of ticking an item off a bucket list leaves you feeling accomplished, which is a great thing to start the new year, and a fantastic way to keep you driven throughout 2018.

Here are some ideas you’ll want to tick off your fitness bucket list this year:

Squat Double Your Bodyweight

If you’re into the weights at the gym, like me, then this is a great one!

Aiming to squat double your bodyweight is an ambitious, but very achievable goal.

If you’re a beginner to the weights room, I would suggest starting with a PT or trainer, who can guide you through correct form and perhaps offer consistent guidance as you progress forward.

It may take several months of consistent effort, but once you have achieved that double number, boy will it feel good!

Aiming to squat double your bodyweight is an ambitious, but very achievable goal.

Do a Colour Run

Usually a 5k length race, any kind of colour run is hilarious fun and a good day out, but don’t underestimate the prep time.

This goal is certainly challenging fitness wise, but it’s also fun — who doesn’t love pretending to be a rainbow for the day!

It will take the wind out of you if you aren’t prepared. Start yourself off with a few short walks a week a couple of months in advance, and progress to running when you’re stamina increases. Before you know it, 5k will be easy.

Conquer The Pull-Up

This well-known and quite challenging exercise involves pulling yourself up, literally.

It primarily works the muscles in your back and biceps, and is one of the most effective exercises to increase size and strength.

Best thing to do if you’re a beginner here is start with grip first.

Hold the hanging bar for as long as you can and work on squeezing your shoulder blades together.

Progress to using a flexi band or assisted pull-up machine if you need, before trying pull-ups unassisted. It makes for a killer workout too, don’t underestimate them!

Conquer the Pull Up

If you’re in need of some fitness goals for the year 2018, look no further than this list.

Start yours today and keep adding to it as you go along — you just might take yourself all the way until 2019, and wonder where the time went!

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When Tez Shredz
My Muscle Chef

A fitness model with 2 cats. No dream is too big, be your best you and GO FOR IT!