Why you should include Free-Range, Hormone Free Meats in your diet

My Muscle Chef
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2016

Whether you are looking to lose weight, build muscle or just eat healthy — it is important that your meals contain a high quality source of protein. Protein is an essential part of any weight loss or muscle gain diet as it helps you feel full for longer and provides essential nutrients for your health. The best source of protein for a healthy diet comes in the form of free range and hormone free meats.

Free range and hormone free meat has a variety of health benefits you may not be aware of. Firstly, free-range meats are lower in fat and calories, as a result of the animal’s diet and activity prior to slaughter. This means for the same serving of meat from a free-range animal, you could save on calories without changing anything besides the particular meat’s source.

Another benefit is that it contains two times more omega 3 fatty acids than grain fed meats. Omega 3s are good fats that offer great overall health benefits for your heart, baby development, asthma and depression.

Free-range, hormone free meat also doesn’t contain toxins that other sources of meat are often loaded with. For example, caged chickens are often sprayed with ammonia in processing, and frequently have traces of arsenic. Although this is in very low doses not to be immediately poisonous, arsenic is linked to cancer. Continued consumption of caged or factory farmed meat, causes a buildup of toxins in your system that is not good for your long-term health.

You can now see why free range, hormone free meat is the ideal choice for protein. At Muscle Chef, we want to provide you with the best protein sources to help you achieve your weight loss or muscle gain goals. You will be pleased to know that all our meats are free-range and hormone free. So, check out our new menu today and fuel your body with the best this year!

