2 min readApr 3, 2016

Willpower: 7 sets of 24 reps

Willpower is a muscle that get’s stronger the more you excercise it.

So Easter has come and gone, and you possibly ate your weight in chocolate. Being so close to Christmas, alot of people i’ve been speaking to recently who are struggling with weight loss have told me how difficult they have found it to stay disiplined between and during the holidays.

It got me thinking about what it takes to be successful in adhering to your diet. One of the key things that sprung to my mind was our individual willpower. The ability to say no and to stay disiplined.

It’s often said that willpower is a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. And honestly, speaking from experience it’s true.

I remember when i first starter my weight loss journey many moons ago, id eat clean, but if there was a social event, a birthday celebration, or fat friday at work, i just had to partake….didn’t I? I mean, I didn’t want to upset any one by not gorging into a cake…. (a shitty tea cake from Woolworths that I didn’t particularly want anyway!)

But, you know who was left upset instead? Me. Me, because I was not achieving the weight loss I so desperately wanted and the reason was simple, I didn’t have the power to say no.

One day, after becoming incredibly frustrated about a solid 12 months of jumping on and off the bandwagon i promised myself to decline and resist any urges for sweets or anything I hadn’t planned to eat that day.

It was hard, honsetly… I had to politely decline cheesecake but on the inside I was itching for it. Do you know what happened though? I woke up with satisfaction. Satisfaction that I was one step closer to achieving my weight loss goals.

From there I continued to practice politely declining food that I hadn’t planned on eating. To be really honest with you, it gets easier. So much easier! It actually becomes habitual. You remove the idea that you ‘have’ to eat cake at a birthday party or that you ‘have to’ eat tim tams during three-thirty-itis with Susan in the tea room. You don’t. You have to make yourself happy.

So what will make you more happy? Short term satisfaction by way of a tim tam, or achieving the body you’ve always wanted?

Now, give me 7 sets of 24 of Willpower ;)

Happy dieting guys,

Roxy xx