My Music: Donald Glover is More Creative Than Kanye West

Brendan Ulmer
My Music
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2018

Don’t get me wrong I love them both, they both are multi-talented, successful artists who have released material that has effected my life in profound ways throughout these teenage years.

I think Kanye West is a musical genius, the likeness of which hasn’t been seen for centuries with material that probably wont be properly enjoyed until centuries after his passing. With that considered, he has a severe emotional and social disconnect that prevents him from achieving his full artistic potential.

On the other side, while Glovers artistic presence has taken a decade to build to the massive state it is in today, his profound understanding of the human psyche and condition make him such an amazing artist to follow. The first time I watched the music video to “This is America”, I got chills, I got sick to my stomach, and I had to watch it again 6 times. It gave me a reaction I have never had to any visual presentation ever.

Compare this to one of Kanye Wests most iconic music videos, of which there are many, but in this case lets go with one of his most recent headline grabbing music videos, with “Famous”. This video featured a large group of naked wax figures of Kanyes famous friends, foes and other just ludicrously controversial figures on a wrinkled bed spread, filmed on an old camera for some 15 minutes or so. It ran heavy on the provocative energy and low on substantive commentary, a running theme in a lot of what Kanye has produced over the past half-decade or so.

You see as Kanye becomes more and more of a Demi-God like figure, the more severely detached from reality he gets, meanwhile for Donald it is the opposite.

As Donald has reached A+ list celebrity status, he has become all but reclusive. He’ll go on TV shows but he is soft spoken, polite and humble. He attends red carpets but doesn’t even change his expression whilst on it. Additionally, he has virtually zero social media presence whatsoever (quick round of applause for him please, thank you). Even though he’s a multitalented superstar, he doesn’t let that impede his personal life and his ability to relate to others and their personal lives.

Fame has consumed Kanye.

This is a shame though because he did used to have that relatable, chill-nerd with his ear to the streets kind of vibe that Donald brings to the table. This is why all in all, Donald is far more creative when it comes to important, meaningful art than Kanye West.

