The time has come.


The rise of the robots is here and they are about to take over.

Many associate the term social bot with its negative definition, a fake account controlled by computers as opposed to humans. Across all social platforms, there are hundreds of millions of these bots that post controversial and crude comments in order to stir the pot. Social marketers view them as a huge and growing issue in the social media sphere.

cartoon of a bot providing customer service over the computer.
Bot: Hello, how can I help you?

While this negative application of social media bots does pose a problem for marketers it is not the only application of bots. A much less discussed application is a positive one. Bots can be used to engage with customers instantly to assist them or respond to them before a human representative is available to answer questions or guide a customer in their journey.

These bots are helping with one crucial thing: meaningful connection. In this day and age, a true connection between a brand and its consumers is required for success and brand loyalty. One of the main contributors to fostering such relationships is customer service. If customers struggle to reach a brand or are put on hold for a long time the potential bond a brand could form with that customer suffers. Bots are here to help with that. They allow customers to feel seen and heard. They responded almost instantly and help customers as much as they can. Once a human representative becomes available, if there was anything the bot could not help the customer with they will connect them with the representative.

A web of human connection and communication
The power of connection

While some might have feared that bots are the demise of social media marketing and effective data tracking I feel that they offer a great service that might be more significant to the social media world than the negative effects. Allowing brands to create a close and personal relationship with customers in this ever disconnecting world where consumers are becoming less and less loyal is crucial to creating a strong market-leading brand. Bots allow customers to be “seen” until they truly can be by a human brand representative. They ensure that customers have positive interactions with the brand from a digital and a human perspective.

What do you think about bots? Let me know in the comments below!


