Day 17

My Musings while Moving On
1 min readJan 12, 2019

Day 16 went missing and I’m glad about it! Got really busy with work and neither did I have the energy nor the time to think about him. And that’s progress!

Nothing of an update though. Still waiting for his answer. The more time it is taking, the more it is feeling like a “no” and the more curious I’m getting to hear it asap!

Very strange, tho!

There used to be a time where I would be very sensitive about this whole issue and maybe even cry sometimes! Now, it has all changed! I’m hardly getting affected by any of this. And I’m just eagerly waiting to put a full stop on everything. Anyway, I’ve started moving ahead. I’m very busy with my interview preparations for starting a master’s degree. And with all this, it feels like my life is going to upgrade! New people, new things to study, new stuff to learn, and definitely the further explorations of human complexity!

When you look back and see yourself moving on, all the time feels like it went by a blink of an eye. It doesn’t feel that you’ve taken so much time to recover, the plethora of conflicts you’ve faced, and so much emotional exhaustion has happened! It feels like some moment came and changed it all!

So for now, I am just praying for the good times that are lying ahead. :)

