Day 2(1)

My Musings while Moving On
1 min readJan 16, 2019

I know, I know! Why didn’t I write 21 like normal, educated people?
Reason: I got to talk to him last night and we did finally decide to part ways! So, just to demarcate this new “breakup”, I have mentioned the date as you’re seeing. This will help me to remember this new “phase”!

So, about today. Started as a shitty day, finished it like a boss! I was really angry and very sad for quite some time. But fortunately, I’ve been blessed with an amazing set of people who ensure that I’m feeling okay! And also, the best way to deal with your emotions is to meditate for a while. So, I did some extensive yoga today and meditated. Everything felt normal after that.

But the disappointment lied in the fact that I created a relationship where the person next to me was NOT BELIEVING IN ME (for the whole F**KING time)! Can you believe that?! I cannot!

So yeah! As it turns out, he wasn’t sure that I could achieve something very high in life (or that I should be having his support to be actually able to do achieve those ambitions). I seriously don’t know what to do with this piece of brand-new information.

Because everything is anyway over now. So maybe it doesn’t really matter what he thought/thinks about me!

The worst part of ending a relationship is maybe this only: you don’t get to justify yourself anymore. You said what you said. You did what you did. Things cannot be modified any further!

