Day 23

My Musings while Moving On
1 min readJan 21, 2019

Less number of posts = Less number of thoughts about him.

Having a really busy time. But his thoughts keep coming in a flash. I’m working and from nowhere — he’s there! Then, I try to get back to work asap!

Sometimes, his lack of presence comes into my mind. Some part of me still keeps shouting, begging to call or message him, suggesting that he should still maybe get a chance, again!

But a lot worse has already been done. And no matter what the other part says, no matter how loud it shouts, it isn’t right. And if I listen to that part again, I might get into big trouble this time.

A lot of realizations are happening, which lead me to a place where I’m angry with myself only, for making those poor decisions, for giving him everything he didn’t deserve, and for being a person I never was!

Anyway, I am hoping that this highly hectic process of preparing for interviews will make me free from him too! And I would finally feel whole again!

