Maybe I need a little Seoul searching

J. Smith
My Nomad Story
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2016

So this is it, August 6, 2016, the start of my nomadic journey. Honestly, things like this have floated through my mind before. I have often thought about living overseas or taking an extended vacation for a season, but never did I think it would actually happen.

I guess we all just need to find ourselves and do soul searching and this is one way to do it. Interestingly enough, I started mine in a city called Seoul. I am honestly not THAT excited about Seoul for a few reasons. One, this is my sixth time here since 2011 so a lot of the novelty has run out. Hell, this is my second time this year as I visited with my friend back in April.

So why bother coming back? Well I need to decompress before I start this journey. I will, for the most part, be by myself during this journey and I will have to adjust to being up all night. Since I am so familiar with Seoul, I won’t feel like I am missing out on anything if I suffer from sleep cycle issues during this period. I am in South Korea for three weeks, figure that is long enough to adjust.

My first AirBnB was pretty nice. Right along the Han River and was super scenic. I booked this while in communication with a girl who spoke English fluently. Unfortunately, she wasn’t there when I was there as she was traveling. Her father was but his English was lacking.

Now granted, that’s is 100% my responsibility. I cannot travel to another country where English is not the primary language and expect people to cater to me. That being said, this was still an issue but you know what, we made it work. He was super super nice though.

Honestly, first week wasn’t that interesting. It was just me wandering and taking in some sights and sleeping and working. I knew this would be the case but hey, it is what it is. I did go to a Meetup in Gangnam though. A language meetup. I met a girl from Taiwan who is going to help me a bit while in Taipei. I also met a girl from China. The more I meet people in other nations, the worse I feel for being uni-lingual.

We talked and went out clubbing in Gangnam (couldn’t tell you the name of the club to save my life). Honestly, I am not a club guy. Overpriced drinks, dark rooms with flashing lights, crowded, too loud, all the things that I hate. However, it seemed fun so I figured why not. It was a good time all in all. Not sure I would make a habit out of it though.

Sunday, I went with a friend and her family to get some seafood and checkout the beach. I met this friend when I went to Korea in 2011 and we’ve kept in contact since. Her family was so friendly, they pretty much accepted me like one of their own. Even paid for my meal which is always a plus.

Week two, not much like week one. Just wandered around for the most part. But I guess it’s time for Daegu.

