Jonathan Thyme
my notebook
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2015


september 19th, 2015 1:15 PM

The waves are soothing; the disposition is not. It is 7 hours since I have seen the San Diego beaches with their happy people laying out under the sun, enjoying what I don’t know. Beauty, I suppose, but that doesn’t compare to this. Although from a far, it seems that the beach is a paradise, those who lay there know the truth. It it hot and uncomfortable; you can barely touch the sand with your bare skin, lest you want an unwelcome burn; there are noisy children yelling and screaming, for what reason you do not know — if only they knew what lay ahead of them. Maybe then, they would have reason to scream.

I am not alone. I am with her. She is always with me, though sometimes I wish for a human companion. That’s why I was must to leave. The thought of her could not escape my mind, so it was set that my mind should escape her. It doesn’t really work that way though because your mind isn’t anywhere. It’s everywhere all the time, but apparently, so is she, so you can’t lose her. The only thing that can move is your body, so that’s what I did.

But now my body aches, and she is still inside me.

