Introducing Myself…

Riddhiman Adib
My Online Cafe
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2016

I looked into her eyes for the very last time, I was sure I wouldn’t be looking at them again. “I have to try, I just have to…”, her eyes were filled with tears with an in-explainable distrust. “You know how much I wanted this to work, right?”, I tried to defend me once again, but somewhere inside I knew, I was just explaining to myself. “But… but… you said you would be with me…all those memories we had…”. I couldn’t answer her, I had nothing to say. I just couldn’t tell her how the other one I met was stunningly beautiful as well as smart and witty.

I just left.

Then I unsubscribed her.

After a long love-hate relationship with my blogging life on Blogger, I finally decided to give myself another chance, and left Blogger for WordPress. I am still not so sure, whether this will work or not, but I think we need to give ourselves another chance, and I am pretty sure Blogger is really really pissed at me. :)

This is going to be just an informal “Hello World” in my blog.

So, who am I and why I started blogging?

You can find my entire life-story here summarized in my about page. There’s actually no point in stating it again.

I started blogging a few years ago, just to summarize all my weird projects in one place. I never thought I’ll have my own personal blog, where I’ll share bits of my life every now and then. But then I thought, all those deep thoughts I’m having in my brain at the middle of night, all those deep dark fantasies, I’ll never remember any of them in a month or so.

So, let’s write them down. Keep’em in a place where not only me, but also anyone else out there as AWESOME as me can find them, and read and share them.


[ This is part of a on-going workshop named “Blogging 101”, where we’re going to introduce ourselves and engage and interact with other fellow bloggers. Happy blogging guys… :D ]



Riddhiman Adib
My Online Cafe

Postdoctoral Researcher. Tech Enthusiast. Occasional Blogger. Self-proclaimed Musician. more at: