Make something happen…

Riddhiman Adib
My Online Cafe
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2015

Recently, I frequently find myself tangled in a big pile of processes and projects, running in my head. I have to juggle, manage and choose between them, do something partially and then jump onto another project constantly. And in the end of the day, I suddenly find myself exhausted on my bed, lying upside down, thinking about the next day.

Yet, I enjoy every bit of it.

There is a certain beauty, a different kind of flow of adrenaline you get, when you create something, you build something. It can’t be found in weed or smoke or alcohol, or whatever people’s been hooked onto now-a-days. It’s a very natural urge to create something, and when you make it with your own hands, how small and insignificant it might be to everyone else, makes you proud and happy. Happiness that can’t be found anywhere else.

I could have easily titled this blog as Creativity or Do something creative or Be creative, something like that with the word Creativity in it. But I have recently learned it the hard way, that you can’t always be creative, if you don’t have it in you. I can’t create a painting that you would see in a art gallery and suddenly go “Whoa, now that’s something!!” But I can definitely draw weird comics night after night, and finally get to a somewhat-good-looking Spider-man that I can often look at my Notebook and say to myself silently, “I made it, all by myself!!”

This is my first blog after a really long long time. So, this blog might seem a bit random and weird. What I am trying to express is that, I get up from bed every morning, I do the routine works as an average Joe, brush-shit-eat, but when I go to shower, I whisper slowly, “make something happen today…either create something or solve something….”

And so, my day begins with some routine works and random learning procedures, ends with that, and lying on bed every night, I make a virtual check-box with the title “Make something happen” in my head, and I tick it.

And, I enjoy every bit of it.



Riddhiman Adib
My Online Cafe

Postdoctoral Researcher. Tech Enthusiast. Occasional Blogger. Self-proclaimed Musician. more at: