A picture of two adds for gillette razors; one from the 1920's that appeared in a magazine or newspaper and the other from gillette’s website today in 2013.

Internet Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing

Why marketing online is more powerful than the traditional way.

3 min readNov 27, 2013


We all see billboards as we drive down the road, commercials on TV, and adds on the radio or in our favorite magazine. In fact, most of us see these things multiple times a day. So, why is it that internet marketing is in such high demand when we have these traditional methods literally surrounding us at all times? What is it that makes business internet marketing so powerful and lucrative?

Even though the internet has been around for a while, it’s still considered fairly new. At least when compared to mediums like newspapers and commercials. Businesses have been advertising via TV ever since the television became a household item and they’ve been using things like magazines and newspapers even longer than that by far. After something is around for so long, people tend to not pay as much attention to it. This is true for traditional marketing techniques. It’s less likely a person will really pay attention to a TV commercial or magazine add unless it’s for something they are especially interested in.

The next thing that makes business internet marketing so powerful is the way you can manipulate it to your advantage. You can target a specific group of people, usually those who would buy your product or service. Using things like SEO and Google Analytics we can strategically market our brands or businesses to the exact people who are interested in purchasing them. However, when it comes to more traditional forms of marketing, it’s really a blanketed strategy. You can’t single out your potential customers the same way you can with internet marketing. Sure, commercials for toys play on children’s TV channels and so on, but that’s nothing compared to the strategic precision in which we can target a certain audience using business internet marketing.

Finally, one of the best things about internet marketing and one of it’s strongest advantages is how many people it reaches. You can reach thousands upon thousands of people per minute when marketing via the internet. You’re reaching people all over the world in seconds as opposed to traditional marketing, which only can reach so far and can only reach so many people at one time. Newspapers are at a small, local level and magazines are sometimes only one region. Even if it’s a magazine that runs nationally or a national TV commercial, you’re adds are only being seen by a minute fraction of the people who would see something like that over the internet.

Business internet marketing definitely has surpassed the advantages of traditional marketing. It’s freshness, precision, and far reach will prove more powerful than traditional marketing any day. Really, though, the best thing to do is to use both internet marketing and traditional marketing. This will take you farther than using just one or the other and it will allow a variety in your marketing strategy that many may not have.

