3 Secrets Top Writers don’t want you to know.

How consistency drives visibility.

The Bloggers Haven
My Other Side
4 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash

It’s a new month today ✨️

Happy New Month 😊

To you, it might be another month.

But, for me, it’s the start of the second month since I decided to write and post content online.

What started off as me documenting projects I carry out as a data analyst has grown into an urge to write down my thoughts, what I’ve learned, or continue learning in my journey through life.

I know it’s too early to start counting my eggs before they hatch or whatever they say.

But it’s never too early to count your stocks, point out the hens who lay eggs, and separate them from those who don’t.

So, this is me taking a step back to look at the numbers, accounting for my progress (if any), and documenting lessons learned, all in one month.

Nothing beats consistency.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

"Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time. – John C. Maxwell”

Posting content on a regular basis is the number one way to get seen.

There's no two ways about it.

If you don’t post- nobody will see your content, no matter how brilliant that idea is.

So if you enjoy writing, write; don't let the metrics faze you.

Regular writing practice fosters strong storytelling skills and helps refine your writings.

You would see yourself writing more compelling content over time.

Like I always say to myself - It's not about numbers.

When starting out as a writer, you've got nobody to impress and even nicer, nobody to disappoint.


The number of readers doesn't matter. In everything, you're building a following community.

Everybody on the Internet started from ‘zero followers'; it's not a crime.

Don’t Write for Yourself.

Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

Most mistakes we make as writers is to write like we're writing for our ourselves.

We sometimes forget that when writing content. We aren’t penning down our thoughts but to engage with our target audience.

While it's easy to get lost in our own thoughts and preferences.

We should also understand this.

Our readers have their own needs, interests, and challenges.

To prevent you writing aimlessly,

Creating a user persona for your writing is extremely valuable.

A user persona is an imaginative version of your ideal reader. It’s based on factors like demographic details, interests, pain points, and behavior.

Writing for a persona will help guide your tone, topics, and style.

This will help you stay consistent with the topics you write about. It will help with the style and the pattern of your writing.

Passion First, Money Later.

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

"Money follows passion – not the other way around.”

You will be disappointed if you write for money.

Chasing money isn’t key to fulfilment, especially early in your writing career.

Without mincing words, as a new writer, you would earn next to nothing.

I earned $0.47 writing on medium for an entire month

This reality can be disheartening.

Nobody will care about your opinion if you aren't a leading voice in your niche. But, remember, becoming one doesn't happen overnight.

It certainly won’t happen without consistency or passion.

When you write because you love and care about writing ,your enthusiasm shines through your words, which makes your content more engaging and even more authentic.

Focus on what drives you, what you wake up excited about, and let that passion be the fuel that keeps you writing.

The value from this approach is much greater than any quick money. Ironically, it’s this value and quality that eventually attract money.


As I reflect on my first month writing online,

it’s clear that this journey is about personal growth. It’s as much about that as it is about reaching an audience.

Embracing consistency has been key. It taught me that small, daily efforts add up to big progress over time.

Writers should pursue passion, not quick money.

The joy and fulfilment come from writing about topics that excite and inspire me.

They are far more valuable than any quick money.

In the end, the journey of a writer is a marathon, not a sprint.

So, to all the aspiring writers out there: keep writing, stay consistent, and let your passion be your guide.

The rewards, both personal and professional, will follow in due time.

