My Heart Restored- Part Three Book Review

Stephanie Wayfarer
My Personal Bubble
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2021

My personal book review a wonderful book for Christians

I purchased My Heart Restored by June Kimmel on Amazon, after a friend recommended it. Here I have written the personal lessons I gleaned from this book. You may find different conclusions if you read this book. I recommend it- it’s an easy read!

Chapter Nine My Heart Remade…

We are to be obedient to God, and have a healthy fear of him; we will be blessed. We are to love God with our mind, body, heart and soul. We should be concerned with spiritual things, not earthly things. We are to cast off uncleanness and covetousness, anger and lies. We are to seek godly wisdom, be humble, patient and kind. We are to be forgiving, and charitable. We should build each other up.

We are as potter’s clay, mold-able. I have been reshaped many times over the years, though I cannot recall a specific time that my circumstances, my “wheel,” made me more Christ like.

Chapter Ten My Heart Sharing…

A friend is someone who is always a friend, even in need. A friend is loving. I have not been there for my friends in years. Literally. Covid-19 has been going on for a year now, so social distancing. For six months prior to that, I worked 7pm- 7am, so I slept during the day. Before that, I worked Monday through Friday, but I worked two weeks straight each month because of my reservist duties. Before that, I was volunteering at a fire department and working on an ambulance, so not much free time. I have let my work schedules get in the way of my personal life. I have made friends at work along the way, amazing friends that I needed, but in return I have neglected most of my oldest friends for about eight years. I think the last time I saw any of them was when I went to a viewing last year. Of course, I never followed up to see if they were okay afterwards.

I praise God daily in prayer, but that’s about it. I am not sure what I do that would make anyone even know that I am a Christian. I don’t know if they know I look to the Lord. Maybe three years ago, one of my partners on the ambulance went to church with me for potluck Sunday. Other than that, I don’t remember sharing the gospel.

God should be praised. The Old Testament often speaks of praising in song. God is loving and patient, and supplies for all of our needs. Jesus showed compassion. I suppose with few laborers, the ones working have their work cut out for them. Jesus spoke of his followers as friends and confidants.

I am grateful for this book. It has shown me so many things I need to work on in my life. I will have to read it again. I never realized how much I should have been doing for my friends, while I was busy focusing on my own life.

Chapter Eleven My Heart Rejoicing

We have many reasons to rejoice. God’s glory is forever, and we will one day be together forever in Heaven. Until that day comes, I try to remember how blessed I am to own a home, in a safe area, with my husband and son who love me, without financial stress. Our basic needs are more than met. We are all healthy and happy.

We also get to look forward to the coming of Christ. I should always be prepared, as no man on earth will know when this day will come. I should not put off doing Christian duties, such as teaching the Bible to my son, by assuming we will have tomorrow.

The Bible sometimes speaks of how great our lives will be in Heaven. I know that means we should have hope for the future, but I still feel anxious sometimes in the present. I suppose when the day comes, I will be so overcome with relief and happiness to be in Heaven that I won’t remember the burdens of this world. Thankfully we have the Bible, and books like this to give us encouragement.

This book was just what I needed, when I needed it. I encourage you to spend some time in faithful study as part of your routine. We should never be too busy for our Lord.



Stephanie Wayfarer
My Personal Bubble

Stephanie is an artist and first responder. All stories are free to read! Subscribe for random honesty delivered to your email.