The Gamer

My Personal Grapevine
1 min readJun 2, 2017

Those who are unknown, but not in all universes.

Sit down in the chair and tap the button.

Everything comes to life, the screen flashes on.

We are forever strong thanks to the internet.

And we are able to continue the spree that started,

Many, many years ago in arcades.

Although seen as a weird breed by most.

They are some of my most memorable companions.

I couldn’t believe my luck in finding these few online.

Billions in the world and I stumble on some of the greats.

It all started with a funny message and a couple of clicks.

Eventually, a daily challenge is overcome every time we enter.

Time passes and the challenges change.

But the people, they remain the same.

Although we lose some here and there, a couple always remain.

These few are the ones I’m talking about.

Whether we play, or we drink.

We all catch up and share memories of the past.

That is the true beauty about these faceless names.

But also the depressing truth — they are only names.

That is, the dude behind the screen, more to show than can be seen; on chat.

The Gamer.



My Personal Grapevine

I began writing poetry in 2015 as a release. Only started to get it all out there in 2020. ’A man sound in mind knocks in vain at the doors of poetry.’ Enjoy.