10 powerful apps that I use and can boost your productivity

Costin Ciora
My Productivity Kit
3 min readMar 5, 2017

The number of tasks in a day, the projects that we are involved, emails and meetings, all lead to the obvious need of using apps that can simplify the way in which we work. If you are looking for some apps to ease your work, this article is certainly for you!

Finding the apps that can help us must start from the question: “What is my current need to improve my productivity?”. Starting from this question, we can find the needed category of apps and then the desired app.

Here is a list of apps that I use for certain productivity needs:


This is my favorite app because of its simple design and ease of organizing the tasks. You can have recurring tasks and even collaborate with your colleagues on different projects. Of course, I recommend you to test it together with other apps like Wunderlist, Asana or Any.do


This is a useful app to set steps for a project, goals or even tasks. It has a really nice interface and you can collaborate with your colleagues.


This app has a desktop app to take all short of notes (even audio). I really like Evernote Web Clipper — a browser extension that you can use for the articles that you wanna read later. After a while, it will recognize the type of article and suggest directly the notebook where to save them for later reading.


Similar to Evernote Web Clipper, you can save the articles you find and read them in a minimalistic way, without any ads or pop-ups.

5.The Email Game

Do you like to play games? What about checking emails. Well, The Email Game does both. If you are looking for a fun way of checking emails, you got to check this. Depending on the email type in generates a certain time for reading in order to improve your efficiency, and reach Inbox ZERO.


Sometimes, a day passes without knowing what you actually accomplished. Toggl allows with a simple click on a browser extension to follow the tasks that you work on. You can also use Pomodoro for having breaks.


Do you receive too many newsletters? Than, Unroll.me it’s great to clean your inbox. The apps, allows you to unsubscribe, to check emails or to add them in a daily or weekly digest.


This is a Chrome extension for opening new tabs. It asks you “What is your main focus for today” and after you answer you will always read it when you open a new tab. What to open you social media account? Think again, your new tab will show you the focus for today.

9.One Tab

If you open too many tabs in your browser then this app will help you. Having too many tabs opened could mean that your computer performance might be affected. Moreover, closing them could mean deleting the current work or research needs. So, through a simple click, One Tabs saves your tabs in a list, available by days, in order to focus just on the needed information for your tasks.

10.Break Free

Do you spend too much time on your phone? Then, you should check Break Free. You can analyze the time for each app and receive a pop-up when opening your phone: “Do you really need to check your phone?”
These apps are useful after you know your “Why” and “What” in everything you do. Don’t forget that an app will not replace the actual work that you should do and the focus that you need. Finally, being more productive is having better results and more free time for yourself and your family.

What apps do you use?



Costin Ciora
My Productivity Kit

International Consultant & Trainer at Qualians, Lecturer at ASE, Author, Change Management Practitioner, DISC Certified http://www.costinciora.ro|