Learning and Change

Belle Gill
my queer eye
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2018

Since San Francisco is in the US, there are plenty of available experts ready to volunteer within the country itself. So if there was an opportunity for international engagement in San Francisco, it would probably be slightly more one-sided, where the people coming in would learn from the city.

SF LGBT Center

To identify a situation with an LGBT+ focus in San Francisco, the best way would be to visit the SF LGBT center. This center works with the LGBT community in San Francisco to protect their health, wellness, art, culture and families, among other things.

My background is in Commerce, particularly Accounting and Management. My contribution to this center would probably focus on the center’s efforts on the economic development of the LGBT+ community in San Francisco. Specifically, I could help the center’s efforts to ensure LGBT-run businesses grow and to increase LGBT community financial assets. This would involve collaborating with people of various different skills and backgrounds, from the arts to retail or the food industry. Since Commerce is applicable to a wide range of areas, my skills can be adapted to their different needs.

From sfcenter.org

This would constitute meaningful international engagement as the efforts would go into providing meaningful aid to a group that strives to protect a minority group that is constantly under threat in the city, especially in recent times.

However, I think ultimately the most meaningful part of this engagement is what I would take away from the experience. I, personally, would learn how to support and foster a strong LGBT+ culture which I could then apply in my own country, Malaysia.

In Malaysia, the LGBT+ community is marginalized and discriminated against. I could take the knowledge and experience I obtained from the SF LGBT Center and help out similar organizations back home, like the Justice for Sisters. Hence, working with the SF LGBT center would be a very meaningful two-way international engagement.

From sfcenter.org



Belle Gill
my queer eye
Editor for

I am bad at voicing out my opinions so I write them down.