War is Not For Superheroes

Wakanda Forever, My Rambling Review

Dave Gutteridge
My Rambling Reviews


Princess Shuri looking bummed out.
Princess Shuri. (All images are copyright Marvel or Disney or whoever. Used without permission. Please don’t sue me.)

The most successful thing this movie did, by far, was deal with the real life death of Chadwick Boseman. The silence while images of Boseman were integrated with the opening Marvel logo, was a classy move.

Unfortunately, after that, this movie wasn’t fun enough to overlook the staggering hypocrisy and moral complications of everything that happens.

Right off the bat, Queen Ramonda shows up to the UN where she smugly informs everyone that Wakanda will not be sharing any vibranium or technology or anything with anyone else, because clearly the whole rest of the world can’t be trusted with it. She shows how a bunch of French special ops guys tried to steal vibranium from them, so, obviously, everyone except Wakanda is bad.

Standards for thee, not for me. But also… check out those shoulders.

Didn’t Wakanda have a coup last movie where a new leader threatened worldwide revolution? Wasn’t that all the result of entirely internal politics? Wasn’t our whole planet at risk of global war because Wakandan rules of succession hang on the insane premise that whoever wins an MMA fight by a waterfall gets to decide how to utilize an omnipotent resource?



Dave Gutteridge
My Rambling Reviews

I don't post often because I think about what I write. Topics include ethics, relationships, and philosophy.