The Poor Side of Dubai That They Don’t Want You To Know About

Homeless people from the west live in better conditions

Andrei Tapalaga ✒️
My♗Reality Check


The living quarters of a foreign worker in Dubai (Source: Farhad Berahmann)

When you hear the word “Dubai” you think of the most luxurious conditions a human being can live in due to the sort of money that is turned around in this location. Behind the huge wealth present in Dubai hides a dark truth that should show the unethical ways rich people sustain their wealth.

Most labor workers within Dubai are foreigners that work for pennies compared to the economy of the United Arab Emirates. These conditions have been brought up before in the media, but it seems that the world does not really care about the inhumane way these workers are being treated.

Like living in a third world country

How can the most luxurious city in the world feel as if you are living in a third-world country? All that most people see are the gorgeous sights presented in photos around the internet. When tourists are taken around Dubai they are never shown the ugly side of the city where all the labor workers reside.

Indian worker named Shahroukh getting ready for work in his living quarters (Source: Farhad Berahmann)



Andrei Tapalaga ✒️
My♗Reality Check

Avid Writer with invaluable knowledge in Humanity! “You make your own life”