Finding Time for Side Projects + Hobbies When Working From Home or Remotely

Betsy Ramser Jaime
My Remote Work Life
8 min readJan 1, 2019


For many of us, when when we first start working remotely, we imagine more time for side projects or hobbies! Without a daily commute, it’s easy to think that we will have so much added free time, but it’s easy to just add that time on to our workday. We often discover that finding time for side projects and hobbies is not as easy as we would have thought.

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The biggest struggle is often unplugging from our work and then making the transition to focus on other side projects or hobbies. This is another reason why having set work hours can be beneficial when you’re working remotely or from home. By doing this, you have clear hours that are meant for working, and clear hours that are meant for hobbies and other fun projects.

After 6 years of working remotely, here are some of my favorite ideas for putting a plan in place.

Choose 1–3 projects to prioritize

One of the reasons why we don’t follow through with our side projects or hobbies is that we’re not clear. For example, maybe you have 10 different things you want to do, but just feeling overwhelmed and knowing you can’t do all 10 prevents you from starting.



Betsy Ramser Jaime
My Remote Work Life

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