Interview with a Remote Worker: Sarah Aboulhosn

Betsy Ramser Jaime
My Remote Work Life
3 min readOct 21, 2019

Hello, friends! Welcome back for month 6 of my new monthly series where I will be interviewing other remote/digital nomad/work from home workers. Whether you already work remotely or are hoping to in the future, it’s great to learn from people who are doing it well. Did you miss out on previous editions? Feel free to check out Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 4 and Month 5 interviews.

Today I have my sixth guest, Sarah Aboulhosn. I found Sarah through her beautiful writings on Medium and she’s a Content Marketing Strategist.

Without further ado, meet Sarah….

First + Last Name

Sarah Aboulhosn

Hometown + Current Location

Hometown: Richmond Virginia. Currently: Bali

How long have you worked remotely?

One year

What did your life look like before you worked remotely?

I worked in an office 8–5 and was tied down to those hours, barely able to take vacation.

How did you learn about or decide to work remotely?

Through reading articles online, following other digital nomads, and hearing about Remote Year.

Describe your current work/side projects?

I am a writer and content strategist. I help companies write content for their blogs and websites as well as help them distribute content and grow traffic to their sites.

How many hours do you work in a typical week?


Do you have a set work schedule or does it change daily or weekly?

Changes daily/weekly

Do you have any favorite apps, tools, etc. to stay organized?

I love Asana for planning and organization, and Streak for habit tracking.

What do you like most about working remotely?

The flexibility to work on my own time, when I work best.

What do you wish you had known before you started out?

Working remotely isn’t actually the hard part. As a freelancer, finding clients and maintaining a steady income is way harder than being remote.

How do you build community or avoid loneliness while working remotely?

I work at co-working spaces wherever I go and try to go to a lot of meet ups. Joining facebook groups, and saying “yes” to social things I would normally say no to.

Biggest struggle of working remotely?

Finding balance between work and actually having fun in the places I am.

Favorite books or podcasts?

Not remote work related but Daring Greatly is a great book, How to be a Badass/How to be a badass at making money.

Connect with Sarah on her blog

Follow Justyn on Social Media!

Twitter: @_whatsarahlikes



Are you a remote worker? Want to participate in this series? Click here to check it out!



Betsy Ramser Jaime
My Remote Work Life

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