Nokdu Flower [K-Drama Review]

Nokdu Flower (2019); 48 episodes. The setting is a real historical event: Donghak Peasant Revolution against the Japanese in 1894.

In this historical drama series, “Nokdu Flower”, the peasants are revolting against corruption in high places. The setting is a real historical event: Donghak Peasant Revolution against the Japanese in 1894. The peasants rebelled against corrupt political powers and foreign powers.

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STORYLINE: It’s a story about two half-brothers. One son was born from a lawful wife and the other was the child of a lowborn. Even though the parents reminded them of their class differences, the half-brothers were close to each other. Until … the revolt made them choose sides.

Baek Yi-hyun (played by Yoon Shi-yoon, Grand Prince), is the legitimate son. His father sent him to Japan to be educated. When he returned, his father wanted him to take the national civil service exam. When he passed and received an appointment this would lift the family’s status. Instead of passing the national civil service exam, Baek Yi-hyun is conscripted, forced to serve in the military, fight and kill. The military changed him and he became angry and hardened, and killing became easy.



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
❤️ Nothing But Love For Korean Drama

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