My Selection — Selected lines from Shakespeare's Hamlet

Hamlet’s soliloquy

Qaisra Joham
Sceriff’s Selection
2 min readJun 18, 2021


Photo by Miguel A. Amutio on Unsplash

To be or not to be, its Hamlet’s soliloquy_Hamlet presents his stressed state of mind whether he should commit suicide or not, because had a dejected soul at that time.

I want to relate these famous lines as regularly occurring lines in which he becomes the mouthpiece of every human being. we stumble upon the identical dichotomy in doing our colloquial tasks.

Either we have to go there or not,

Either we need to say it or not,

Either one ought to put on it or not,

Either one needs to write it or not,

Either one needs to wear mask or not,

Either one has to devour it or not,

Either one ought to buy it or not.

So Shakespeare has depicted a widespread line that

might be perfect for any sort of person’s tantalizing circumstances.

Here are the lines of Hamlet’s soliloquy:

To be or not to be: that is the question:

whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

and by opposing end than to die; to sleep

To sleep: perchance to dream:

That makes calamity of so long life,

For who would bear the whips and scorns of life

Thus conscience does make a coward of us all.



Qaisra Joham
Sceriff’s Selection

I 'm a passionate reader and aspiring writer with poetic pursuit of literature.