My Selection — The Diary of a Young Girl

by Anne Frank

Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
Sceriff’s Selection


Image from the original book

I love this book because of its great message. It talks about humanity and the right to live in freedom. We, the humans, are most dangerous to humanity and nothing else has caused more damage than we to ourselves. Our history is full of cruel wars and inhuman acts, and we have killed millions of people only because of their different religion and beliefs.

I love this book because of Ann’s cheerful character, even in a terrible situation. You will really like her description of her hiding places. This young girls’ diary shows me how to be a member of a community that is scared, hated and hunted. Even today in our so-called modern world we witness racism and we can see how people are behaved strangely because of their religion, color, sexuality, and race.

This diary is especially relevant to the feelings of teens about war and loss of life.

It also shows us the loss of talent of intelligent and brilliant Ann who learned many languages and developed an analytical approach and who would have created great books. The thread of hope in that terrible situation makes this book great.

Enjoy the selected excerpts from the diary of an amazing girl:



Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
Sceriff’s Selection

His short stories are well-recognized internationally for his unique prose style.