My Selection — To My Mother

By Mahmoud Darwish (1941–2008)

Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
Sceriff’s Selection


Photo by Shreya Sharma on Unsplash

The theme of motherhood is often explored in literature. As human beings, motherhood is our central and emotional concept. Countless poems and stories have been written to express motherhood. Recently one priest, Father John Micheal, who died for 48 minutes, claimed that he met God. According to him, God is female and looks like mother.

Mother appears in literature as selfless, tender, and spiritual character. Mother, indeed, is the symbol of love and heaven, and we all yearn for this relationship. Today I’ve selected a beautiful poem “To My Mother” by Mahmoud Darwish (1941–2008).He was Palestinian author and poet who created beautiful poems. He wrote this poem when he was in prison. Keeping aside his political affiliations, let us enjoy this wonderful poem.

Dearly I yearn for my mother’s bread,
My mother’s coffee,
Mother’s brushing touch.
Childhood is raised in me,
Day upon day in me.
And I so cherish life
Because if I died
My mother’s tears would shame me.

Set me, if I return one day,
As a shawl on your eyelashes, let your hand
Spread grass out over my bones,
Christened by your immaculate footsteps
As on holy land.
Fasten us with a lock of hair,
With thread strung from the back of your dress.
I could grow into godhood
Commend my spirit into godhood



Muhammad Nasrullah Khan
Sceriff’s Selection

His short stories are well-recognized internationally for his unique prose style.