Podgorica…A Day in the Capital!

The capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, has its charms!

(This blog is a republication of one I did for my 2018/2019 trip through Europe so some of the info may have changed.)

My last stop on my Montenegro adventure was the capital city Podgorica and that was simply because it was the only way I could get to my next stop easily. So I packed up my things in Kotor and headed that way not really allotting any time to see much. Luckily, the bus I had found gave me some time the day of departure to peruse what Podgorica had to offer …

Now in truth, everyone had told me there was nothing special about this city and honestly they were probably right, but I couldn’t just skip it. I mean I had a whole day to wait for my 8 pm bus for Skopje so I took the time and walked Podgorica’s streets and here’s what I found…

Wait! Before I do that let’s talk about where I laid my head for an evening…

Accommodations…TravelBreak Hostel

Just follow the train tracks!? What? I mean when you read that in the directions to the hostel you have to ask yourself for just a moment if the location is worth the price. In this instance, the answer is a resounding yes! TravelBreak hostel in Podgorica not only has an easy to get to the train and bus station location but is super comfortable and situated close to the city center.

I really needed a comfortable hostel since I was only gonna be staying one night and this small hostel fit the bill. Though I was afraid the train tracks next to this darling little establishment would cause an issue, no issue was to be had. So now that I have given you a little insight into my pad for the night, let’s talk about what there is to see in Podgorica!

Things to do…

So we have discussed that compared to the rest of Montenegro there really is not much to do in the capital. Honestly, if you are going to put this city on your list of to-do’s I would highly suggest just a couple of days if even that.

Trust me whether you are moving on to a new country or simply heading home you will have to go through Podgorica, so allow a little bit of time to stroll these streets. The sites that I did would not even fill a whole paragraph, so just to recap a few places you might want to see while touring Montenegro’s capital.

There is the clock tower, which in my opinion is kind of disappointing so if you happen to be strolling by it then great otherwise you can skip it. That goes for the small church known as St. George Church as well. The park that is right next to the church was the highlight of my time in Podgorica. These are just a few things I was able to do while I was there.

Now if you have a few extra days the owner of the hostel said there were some pretty cool day trips, so don’t let me deter you from researching more exciting things to do in Podgorica. And if you find something please let me know! That’s it for my Montenegro adventure now it's on to Bulgaria, so until my next post as always safe journeys…

If you would like more of my travels makes sure to head over and check out my YouTube channel. Also for those that would like to see what I talked about in this blog check out the vlog…

(PS - If you would like a 360-degree experience of the entire journey then you can follow me on Instagram as well. Look forward to seeing you there too!)

Written By: Kim Miller (Freelance Writer & World Traveler) @penumbra1977



Kimberly Miller
My Shadow & Me: Life & Lessons of a Lost Girl

I am a creative freelancer with a passion for film and the written word.