Sofia…Let’s Start With the Capital!

(This blog is a republication of one for my 2018/2019 European trip so some of the info may have changed.)

Bucket list city…check! That’s right Sofia was the second bucket list/dream city I was able to scratch off that magical list I had been building since I learned to hold a pencil to a piece of paper. (The first being Athens!) Sofia didn’t quite live up to what I had built up in my mind, but it still was an amazing time.

I spent a lot of time with new friends I made at the hostel and saw some of the amazing sights. I also got scammed for the first time, you know that tried and true experience all travelers need to experience at least once.

So one tip from me be careful when dealing with taxis and make sure they clarify what currency they are quoting. Altogether I really enjoyed my time in Sofia. So with that let’s get down to business…


Hostel123 not only was super affordable but also in a great location. Within walking distance to both the city center as well as both the train station and bus station.

The rooms themselves were nice and each floor had two bathrooms and one shower, so that was super helpful and led to not nearly as much waiting in a line to use the facilities (in other words less a chance for people to see your peepee dance…Don’t make that face we all have one!).

The kitchen facilities need a little work but according to one of the workers that is on the list, so maybe it will be better for you. The real shining spot of this hostel is its courtyard.

Perfect for deep conversations about everything from religion to politics to cultural differences or just for kicking it with your fellow hostel-mates. The open-air atmosphere is perfect for building some lifelong friendships.

Things To Do…

There is so much to do in this metropolitan European capital that there was no possible way in heck (keeping things PG…lol) that I was going to be able to see and do everything. This was the first city other than Athens where I relied on free tours to give me the biggest bang for my buck.

(Plus the weather was kinda erratic while I was there.) This was also the first city on my adventure where I found a group of friends that I wanted to chill with, so needless to say it was a pretty chill time.

So what did I get to do, you ask! Like I said I did two free walking tours and found this really cool board game bar/cafe thanks to those new friends I talked about.

I skipped a few day trips I had planned on because truthfully this was the first time I hit that exhaustion wall you often get with extended travel, so let’s talk about what I did get to and then we will discuss some extra side trips that might intrigue you…

Free Sofia Walking Tour by 365 Association…

I am sure there are other free walking tours in Sofia, but I think that this tour (they also have several paid tours which are still reasonable on the budget.) is great for an intro to the city and history in general. As a tip to those that are planning a trip to any major European city google a free walking tour and try a few out, especially if traveling alone.

These walks are great to get you oriented in the city, get’s you like I said up to speed on the history and can be a great way to meet know make some drinking buddies! The tour guide was awesome and very knowledgeable.

The tour guides as with all free walking tours work on tips, so when you are done whatever you think it was worth is what you give. This means if it was horrible simply walk away, but truthfully I have yet to do a bad free tour, so always make sure you have some small bills/coins.

Balkan Bites Free Food Tour…

A free food tour sounds like heaven to a foodie like me, so when I was roaming around google trying to figure out my itinerary for Sofia and I stumbled upon this tour you best believe I was gonna take it. So me and my crew (yeah, that’s right I found myself a crew!) headed out to taste some dishes and learn about the food culture of Bulgaria. The food tour is given by a group called Balkan Bites and like every other free tour the guide works on tips only, so this is great for a budget traveler.

The tour itself takes you to several restaurants and bakeries where you are given samples. That’s right samples, so don’t go expecting to be full by the end, but do go and expect to be well versed on Bulgarian cuisine and food culture. If you are a foodie then this is a definite must. Now let’s talk about my nerdy side…


Okay truth be told this was not my find, but I thoroughly enjoyed this bar/board game cafe so I had to include it in things to do. Some of my new friends introduced me to this place and it was so much fun we ended up there several times.

So, I am a huge nerd, and though this may not be the first thing you think about doing while on your trip through Europe it is an amazing way to get some downtime from all the sensory overload you will inevitably feel at some time. Why not grab yourself an adult beverage and a game, sit down and make some memories and friends.

The group I was with started with Cards Against Humanity and moved on from there the first time around. The atmosphere of this establishment is relaxing and comfortable. The staff is friendly (and they speak English!), fun and pour a good drink. Check it out if you are a nerd like me.

Day Trips…

So although I was not able to get out to see these places they are on my list. Several of my hostel mates had made the trips and were adamant that these were must-dos…

Rila Lakes…

These lakes are one of Bulgaria’s most visited sights and with beauty like this, it isn’t hard to see why. If you are a nature lover this is the place for you to take a day trip to. With its seven lakes stacked on top of each other, beautiful waterfalls, and exquisite nature you will be in heaven.

This wonder of nature is just a 2-hour drive from Sofia, so pack a lunch and plenty of fluids and take in some outstanding artwork provided to you by the most famous artist of them all Mother Nature.

Rila Monastery…

If you are not into nature but instead are a history nerd like me maybe this monastery is more up your alley. This beautiful religious building is a Unesco World Heritage site and is about an hour and a half drive from Sofia.

Founded in the 10th century this sight has plenty of history to keep you busy for a bit. Or you can combine these two locations and make a full day trip, it's really up to you. For me, I will definitely head out to see these places when I visit this beautiful country again.

So that was my time in Sofia and I really enjoyed it, but as always I gotta keep moving so until the next post safe journey…

If you guys dig the blog make sure to check out my YouTube channel. If you nat to see the sites I saw in this blog then you can check out the vlogs…

(PS- If you want a full 360-degree experience of my adventures and more travel and life tips then you can follow me on Instagram too!)

Written By: Kim Miller (Freelance Writer & World Traveler) @penumbra1977



Kimberly Miller
My Shadow & Me: Life & Lessons of a Lost Girl

I am a creative freelancer with a passion for film and the written word.