Clearing and Blessing: You can do it!

Shangrila Holistics
My Shangri-La
Published in
6 min readFeb 6, 2023
Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

Anyone can clear their home of stagnant energy and bless it with love and peace! You only need intention and a little bit of guidance!

Who doesn’t enjoy the windows thrown open on a beautiful spring day? The smell of fresh air invigorates your home, especially after it has been closed up all winter! Essentially, you are clearing out the old stale air and letting new air flow in, which creates a new energized environment!

You do that exactly when you move out of the old to allow for the new energy!

Photo by Olga Nayda on Unsplash

Are you thinking of clearing your home of “negative” or lower vibration or clearing it of “spiritual cobwebs and energy”? Make sure to do it in this order, so you call in only the highest vibrations and remove lower vibrations or negative energies.

Always remember it is not the exact words that are important, but the intention behind the words. ~ Penni

Here are a few tips on what you can do.

I am an ordained minister who uses this process to clear my home and any space. Keep in mind this is what I choose to do and a suggestion to help you. Ultimately do what guides you! I am not saying this is the right or the only way; simply my preference and a guideline you can use.

First and foremost, if you have never cleared energy before, sit in quiet meditation for a few minutes, and ask to be guided by your highest self and the Creator.

I specifically call on Archangel Michael and have done this for as long as I can remember since I was very young. He is known as the most powerful angel and can command other angels as needed, but he will not act unless you ask him to, so ASK. You must ask for help, as this is the unspoken universal law of free will. Doing this can also protect you from calling in the “wrong” kind of spiritual help for inexperienced persons. You only want benevolent energy with pure intentions, love, and light coming in.

Photo by Elisabeth Wales on Unsplash
  • Call in Archangel Michael first before anything. Ask him to come forward and assist you.
  • Ask for him to remove any negative or lower vibrations from you, your home, your space, your children, and the union of your marriage or relations.
  • Then go on to ask him to place protection around you (always start with you since you are the one bringing in the energy right now), your home, your children, and the union of your marriage or relations.
  • Envision his protection around all of you and your home. Then state, either to yourself or out loud, no lower vibrations, negative energy, or spirit is allowed into this sacred space protected by Archangel Michael that does not come from the great white light of the Holy Spirit. Only those that come from the great white light of the Holy Spirit are allowed into this protected space; all others must leave now and go to the light or from where you came. You don’t have to use those exact words, but be firm and precise in your wording.
  • The first steps are crucial because you only want higher vibration and pure spirit coming forward to help. Call in all helping spirits, angels, and guides to come forward now to help you clear and bless your space and all who are in it. Asking them to come forward and immediately following with a “thank you for coming forward and guiding me and assisting me.” Always remember to thank them as well after you call them in.
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  • You can use sage, cedar, or rosemary for smudging, sprays, incense, or even fresh rosemary or sage in your home or space. Ask the medicine of the plants to work with you and help clear the area.
Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash
  • You can also use sound vibrations such as drumming, bells, rattles, singing bowls, and even the vibrational frequencies of crystals.
  • Ask the earth’s energy to return to the original state of healing and to work with you and for you in creating a space of unconditional pure love with the divine white light of the Holy Spirit flooding into and throughout it.
  • Ask all land, home, space, and other spirits or ancestors here before you that you, or anyone else, who may have unintentionally overstepped boundaries to forgive you and all those who came before and will go after you. You are asking for forgiveness and their blessings for any harm you or anyone else brought to them, whether intentional or unintentional.
  • Now, at this point, you can smudge or clear with salt water, burn true sage, cedar, or rosemary, or by burning incense, or even by using crystal energy in grids or alone. Again you can also use sound energy here.
  • Start with yourself always. Ask all benevolent beings, guides, angels, and spirits to come forward and assist you, protect you, and guide you.
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash
  • Walk through your entire house or space doing this, and leave a cracked window to allow the smoke to take the energy with it when it goes if you are smudging or burning incense. Make sure to get every space, including closets, garages, and even outside your home. You may want to do it in the evening so your neighbors don’t think you’re crazy lol.
  • As you walk around doing whatever you choose, repeat and reinforce the words that “all negative energies and lower vibrations must leave now. No lower vibrations are allowed into this space or the circle of protection. They cannot stay, and they must go to the light now. “Only those who come from the Holy Spirit may enter this space. The Holy Spirit flows within me, my family, and my home and fills us with Divine light” keep saying this as you walk through your home; this is cleansing it, removing harmful impurities, and then blessing it all simultaneously. You are filling it with light, as the dark leaves.
  • Once done doing your whole house inside and out, say a prayer of thanks to Archangel Michael and all other angels, all spirits (plant, animal, benevolent, ancestors, etc…), and all guides that came forward to assist you.
  • Acknowledge that your power alone did not do this but a combined much higher power through you….with them.. the Divine power.
  • Ask that Archangel Michael keep his protection in place until he feels it is safe to remove it, and know you can call on him at any time to clear negative energies and place protection, and he will come.

I want to reiterate here the tradition of burning incense or smudging (smoke cleansing) dates back thousands of years and has been used by many cultures, including in the Catholic Church and other churches.

Photo by Sharon Rosseels on Unsplash

I will not get into great detail here on the constituent makeup of burning herbs, which have proven to cleanse the air of bacteria and other impurities such as viruses. I will instead leave this for another article!

In writing this article, I intended to encourage anyone who wishes to freshen up the energy of their homes, offices, or wherever, and let them know they hold the power of intention within themselves to do this!

You are powerful, and you are capable! Never believe otherwise!

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

In the comments, I would love to hear what methods you have used to clear out the energy in your home or space!



Shangrila Holistics
My Shangri-La

Founder of Shangrila Holistics LLC ~ Wellness Consultant - YA E-RYT 200HR, YACEP, and Certified Silver Sneakers Instructor.