Organically Overloaded

Shangrila Holistics
My Shangri-La
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2023
Photo by Kate Trysh on Unsplash

What does it mean when something is organic? People can be organic; clothing can be organic; foods can be organic; nowadays, just about anything can be labeled organic! It can become quite confusing navigating the world of organics!

So let’s break it down a bit to make it easier.

What are we saying when we call foods organic? What are the benefits of eating organically? This article covers some basics to get you started on what is truly a lifelong change.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

What does organic labeling mean?

Foods that have received the labeling of “Organic” by the USDA have met stringent, documented testing from soil composition to seed selection, water sources, pesticides, animal raising, and additives. In addition, the organic standards prohibit being grown using genetically modified organisms.

Foods labeled 100% organic meet these criteria.

However, prepackaged or processed foods have different rules, such as 70% organic with no genetic engineering. So, please pay close attention to the labeling, non-organic ingredients, and how they were grown, raised, or manufactured.

How can you tell if something is truly organic or complies with being organically grown?

  • First, you can look for USDA-certified organic on the label.
  • Next, utilize lists compiled by watchdog groups such as Organic Integrity Database, the Cornucopia Institute, and the EWG to create “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15" lists.
  • Remember that the USDA does not test for all pesticides used in producing crops. So, it is essential to research with organizations such as the Environmental Working Group.

One of my favorite apps I use is YUKA. It will list all the ingredients, which ones can be harmful, and rate foods with a green, orange, or red color, and a number range, as well as give you a choice if yours happens not to be as healthy! Very simple to use. Look for the little orange carrot when searching for the YUKA app. ~ Penni Aubrey

Photo by Lenka Dzurendova on Unsplash

What are some of the positives of eating organic foods?

Eating organic foods can reduce exposure to harmful pesticides and fungicides such as DPCA and Imazlil, classified as human carcinogens by the EPA. In addition, studies have linked higher organic food consumption to lower BMI, lower urinary pesticide levels, improved fertility, and reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.

There are many more proven benefits of eating organically. So if you are asking yourself if eating organic is worth it, don’t forget to add the cost of dis-ease in the body created by consuming all those pesticides!

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

What are some of the disadvantages of eating organic foods?

Well, I would say none, as the benefits outweigh the negatives! However, sadly one of the biggest things to consider is cost. It costs more to eat healthy and organically. Part of this is because farming methods of growing food to meet organic standards tend to be more costly. Items may not always be available readily as well.

Photo by Curro D on Unsplash

One of the best ways I like to minimize costs is by growing what I can in my garden. Try growing some basil, mint, rosemary, oregano, and thyme. Herbs are excellent to start your home garden, and most of them will have some natural resistance to pests. You can also try your gardening skills with peppers. All kinds of peppers do well, are easy to grow, and are naturally hardy. All these can be grown in pots or on the ground, and you can start with tiny seedlings, plants, or even seeds.

Once you get the hang of gardening and reap the benefits of your labor and love, you can branch out to more veggies and fruits! Make it fun, and have the family or friends join in!

Photo by Bethany Szentesi on Unsplash

I hope I have added value to your organic tool belt and inspired you to choose more organically in the future!

I will be writing more on organic living soon, so if you feel called to, please follow me or sign up for email notifications to be notified when they post


  • McEvoy M. (March 2019) Organic 101: What the Organic Label Means. Retrieved on June 16, 2021, from,
  • Sheehy K. (December 2017) Steps to avoid buying fake organic products. Article featured in The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved on June 16, 2021, from
  • EWG Science Team (March 2021) EWG’S 2021 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce. Retrieved on June 16, 2021, from,



Shangrila Holistics
My Shangri-La

Founder of Shangrila Holistics LLC ~ Wellness Consultant - YA E-RYT 200HR, YACEP, and Certified Silver Sneakers Instructor.