February 2 Shower Thoughts: Yeah. I’m Not Doing Well.

Dear Diary…

Jenn M. Wilson
My Shower Thoughts


Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

This isn’t a fancy article for a publication. This won’t be proofread. There’s loads of typos. It’s just a raw dump of what’s been in my brain for sanity’s sake. Maybe the content will eventually fuel a formal submission, but for now…this isn’t it.

Dear Diary…

Last summer, I tried. I really tried to get better.

I had the kids. My job got easier. I wasn’t head over heels for Carlos, but at least I was dating a guy who adored me and treated me like a queen.

My head was above water.

I’m so far underground, I can grab Jack from the Titanic wreakage.

I’m barely functioning. I have enough energy to keep my kids alive. Even when I have them, I’m often sleeping (which is a complete waste of the precious time I have with them). I’m losing my job in a few weeks, so there’s little to no meetings for me to attend.

Being social is important to ward off depression. I don’t have any money though, not with my company layoff coming up. I was relieved when a friend canceled on me tonight for being sick.

I have plans with another friend for tomorrow night. I’m hoping she’ll cancel too.



Jenn M. Wilson
My Shower Thoughts

My midlife crisis and adventures along the way. I write because in real life my humor is allegedly too sarcastic and inappropriate. MediumNinjaGirl@gmail.com