Elon Musk’s Favorite News Source Says Everything About Him

Especially since his preferred venue is one he controls

Samuel Clemens
My Side of the Aisle


Image Credit —Newspaper image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay. Musk image by Indrajitsingh on Pixabay

Since his acquisition of Twitter in October, 2022, Elon Musk seems intent on waging a war on democracy. It didn’t start when he took over the platform but since he assumed control of it, he has taken his misunderstanding of free speech to dangerous new levels. The billionaire has long described himself as a “free speech absolutist” but as it turns out, he really isn’t a fan of the free press. Late in 2022, he suspended the Twitter accounts of multiple journalists who were covering the platform for outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and Voice of America.

Lashing out at the media is certainly on brand for the Tesla CEO. His unabashed championing of free speech has made him a favorite among far-right thinkers. For a party that supposedly doesn’t like elites or alternative energy technology, the GOP has certainly been embracing one of the world’s wealthiest men who made his fortune selling luxury electric vehicles. And Musk clearly enjoys the party’s support, as is evident in his tweeting about conservative talking points. He’s called for the prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci and described Democrats as the “party of division & hate.”



Samuel Clemens
My Side of the Aisle

Financial news writer by day, political commentator by night. Former economic policy analyst. Founder and Publisher of My Side of the Aisle.