Inaction on Gun Regulation Highlights America’s Dysfunctional Politics

Republicans think slaughter of children is price we pay for Second Amendment

Manny Otiko
My Side of the Aisle


Image from Pixabay.

The latest school shooting in Uvalde, Texas has revealed a lot about the dysfunctional nature of politics in this country. Some Republicans have suggested that just after a school shooting isn’t the time to talk about gun regulation. But if not now, then when?

Elections are supposed to be a way for the public to state their opinions about society. And America has a serious problem with gun violence; about 45,000 Americans die from gun violence every year. (About half of those deaths are suicides.) The Texas shooting was the latest, but unfortunately, they’ll be another one.

And they’re getting worse. I remember back in 1999 when the Columbine school shooting, which killed 12 students, shocked the nation. However, this latest shooting is the second worse with 21 deaths, most of them children.

So what does this say about the state of our country and politics? Here are a few points that this issue brings up:

Barely Functioning Politics

Even without the constant string of mass murders, most politics watchers understand that electoral politics are barely…



Manny Otiko
My Side of the Aisle

Manny Otiko writes about race, politics and sports. He has been published in Salon and LA Weekly. Follow him on Twitter @mannyotiko.