Murphy’s Law: Does it suit in our life?

Masoom Vyas
My Sprinkling Life
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2016

Do you know what Murphy’s law states:

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong…!

How many times have you felt that things can not be more bad… And then find out that they have become worse. It has happened with me often. Be it friendship or any goal that I want to achieve, things or events when they start turning against me they generally surpass my expectation of how bad can it turn into. You can say, I am turning pessimistic but then I think its more pragmatic.

Murphy’s law tends to mock our tendency to think about the negative and overlook the positive.

I hold onto people. I don’t let them go but then it turns even more worse. What do I do then? I am still figuring out. But I’ve started partially believing in Murphy’s Law. At times when life turns against you, it probably will give its best. The best, that you can possibly take.

But once you get out of it, things do start turning good. Yes, occasionally it surpasses your expectations also. At that time (or perhaps, always) its better to believe that the vice-versa of Murphy’s Law also holds true.

Whatever will go right, will go right…!

So may be, its a lesson. Murphy’s Law teaches us to understand that things can turn from bad to worse, and its like a premonition of what may be up next. Forcing you to start thinking ahead. Somehow you can try to curtail it.

What I personally feel is that one should EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.

To not dwell into life with a pessimistic approach that things will indeed go wrong, instead think things go can wrong and try to gauge the possibilities of what all can happen. Let Murphy’s Law step up to your advantage.

Think about it…

Found it insightful…? then do ❤ it, means the world to me :)



Masoom Vyas
My Sprinkling Life

Time to paint this monochrome world with the colours of my life!