Pratish Mallya
My Sprinkling Life
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2016

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Well, these past days I’ve been busy a lot; busy with studies and busy with family. During this, I always find some time alone, and, I have a very bad habit to just sit and waste time and do nothing. So I wanted to change that and tried something provocative. Well, I thought why not looking outside the window. There is tree just outside my window and the birds were chirping out loud.

Out down there is a road and nearby my parking there is a common sitting area. There were children who were playing cricket on road and were talking about cartoons and how awesome it was, which they saw yesterday. Some elders were sitting and gossiping about Vijay Mallya and his ‘conspiracy’ against Indian banks and there were some aunties sitting who were just complaining about the water crisis in Maharashtra and the recent rainfall that came around those crisis hit regions and there’s people like me who was listening and logging all the events in my mind. Well, I have to say it felt good listening to others and observing all the events happening around me. It was kind of rejuvenation therapy. Watching people doing stuffs, talking, laughing makes my mind titillate.

Window suddenly transforms from being ‘useless and having no meaning’ other than ‘to circulate air and provide light’ to being really a framed world. It is really a framed world! Imagine how a small window can show you the whole world. I would call the window a ‘WORLD TV’.

