Family Means Everything

Maha Ahmed
My Story, My Home
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2016

One night my mum invited our family over for a family BBQ. After dinner my brother, sister, two cousins and I were sitting around the kitchen bench and talking and laughing.

My sister took out some Persian fairy floss that was given to us by our aunty, and gave it to our cousins to try. One of my cousins tried to take a small piece but instead pulled out a long string of fairy floss. He tried to put the whole string in his mouth but couldn’t, so he got fairy floss everywhere.

After dinner my brother, sister, two cousins and I were sitting around the kitchen bench talking and laughing. In an attempt to grab a tiny piece, one of my cousins pulled out a long string of fairy floss and even managed to get fairy floss everywhere.

I don’t really know how to bake but I can make cakes and brownies from packet mix boxes. It’s pretty simple to follow step by step instructions given on the back of the box, but even then, I still find that I have to ask for help from my mum or sister simply because I can’t tell how much oil or butter to put into the mix.

My sister is a very good baker because she can make all these complicated desserts like cheesecakes, pies, meringues and sometimes even traditional ones like barfi. Although I would never admit it to her face, and quite frequently accuse her of poisoning us, I do look forward to when she heads towards the kitchen to bake.

I don’t really know how to bake but I can make cakes and brownies from packet mix boxes. I still find that I have to ask for help from my mum or sister. My sister is a very good baker because she can make all these complicated desserts. I do often look forward to when she does head towards the kitchen to bake. Image from Snapchat.

On the weekends when my brother is at home we sometimes like to play PS3 and PS4 games together. We play games like Mortal Kombat, Injustice, Fifa15 and Call of Duty. When we play Call of Duty, we play on the same team and we work to together to win.

It’s not like I oppose to playing on opposite teams, but I much prefer it to playing on the same team as my brother. When I play by myself on the game’s story mode, my brother always helps me out and tells me what to do whenever I’m stuck. Even though he can be annoying at times, I think we make a pretty good team.

When we play Call of Duty, we play on the same team and we work to together to beat the other team. It’s not like I’m opposed to playing on opposite teams, but I much prefer it to playing on the same team as my brother. Even though he can be annoying at times, I think we make a pretty good team.

Maha Ahmed

