My Mates

Benaldy Merdi
My Story, My Home
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2016

I lived in Indonesia for the first few years of my life, then I moved to Perth. I’m a part of a family of 6, with my extended family living in various places around the world. I have an interest in various languages and want to learn as many as possible. Currently, I am learning Japanese and I plan to learn Farsi as well. I believe that family and friends are what makes a place my home.

My “mates” and I frequently travel on public transport on our travel to school. Some of them, I’ve known for life, while others I have only met during my high school life. The relationships between me and each of them vary.

We have our ups and downs and although we’re not blood related, we all enjoy each other’s company and treasure our precious memories.

Second from the right is “Amin”, who is from a Malaysian background and a person I’ve known dearly from the early years of my life. He is overly polite and kind, always saying “sorry” even when it’s unnecessary but that’s just what makes him who he is.

The addition of friends in my life is what makes me call Perth, and to the larger Australian community, my home.

My daily commute.

Beside me is someone I share many memories with. Ever since I was 4 years old, he has been a close friend to me.

His name is “Ray Ali” and I am pleased to have met him. I first interacted with him in my first year of schooling, in kindergarten, and our friendship has only become stronger since then.

Whether it was asking for advice on selecting my subjects, or asking for the plans of the weekend, it all had a calm and natural feel to it. I hope that I will know him for life and make much more memories with him to complete “my story”.

Benaldy Merdi

Age 15

Born in Indonesia

