
My Story, My Home
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2016
My sister in formation at the Navy Cadets. I was fearful of judgment for how people would respond to Muslims. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

My sister and I Joined Navy Cadets together but for different reasons. She joined to learn about the Navy, to meet new people, and was curious to learn.

I was going through a stage in my life where I needed to build self-confidence and come out of my shell. At first, I was fearful of judgment for how people would respond to Muslims joining. My sister and I were the only Muslims at TS PERTH and we were quite anxious about what people would think of us. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Everyone one goes through life meeting different people, some are there to stay others to teach a lesson. Here’s Zainab, my best friend who I met 2 years ago. It feels like I’ve known her forever.

After attending it a couple of times, I saw what it was all about, how friendly the people were, and how much fun they had amongst themselves. At the unit we are taught to have respect for each other’s values and to treat others well.

At the Australian Navy Cadets, we start off by parading at sunset. Afterwards, we continue with our weekly Friday tasks. This includes learning about the Navy, such as different parts of boats and ships, learning how to sail, playing instruments for the parade, participating in fun activities and having a feast, also known as “stand easy” in Navy jargon.

Just like Navy sailors who wear their uniform to symbolize who they are, Muslims do so too. In Islam, Muslim women wear a hijab or a covering as a form of identification.

My sister at the pool. In Islam, Muslim women wear a hijab or a covering as a form of identification. Because it is so normal for me to be covered, wearing a burqini to the beach feels like wearing a normal hijab.

Just like any other journey, every Muslim goes through their own journey in discovering the Hijab. I started wearing the hijab when I was 14 years old. It was a choice I made by myself because I felt like I was ready to become closer to my religion.

Being in the Navy goes well with my identity as a Muslim.

Amina Ali Seedat

Age 16

Born in Australia. Mum is from Zambia, father from Zimbabwe.

