My Team Role Introduction: We’re Not Your New Personality Test

Ingrid Morris
My Team Role
Published in
4 min readOct 1, 2021

Good Afternoon you fellow “Mediumers!”

Anyway, nice to see you here. Our team has already launched a series of blog posts discussing how our methodology, The Seven Roles, pertains to all people in every circumstance. Prior to launching more articles, we want to give a brief overview of our model before we move forward.

We believe that everyone has the capacity to change. Some might not want to, but that doesn’t mean they are unable to do so. At My Team Role, our quiz is not designed as a personality test which places you in a box…


rather acts as a map of who you currently are and what you could become. If you were born with more of an “extroverted” leaning (what we would call a high Luminary), you will undoubtedly carry that forward the rest of your life in how you connect with the world. However, there might be times when your extroverted self needs to take a backseat to allow for other roles to move forward.

Remember that change happens in your life whether you want it or not. So it’s best to have a proactive approach.

Change is inevitable in life. You can either resist it and potentially get run over by it, or you can choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and learn how to benefit from it. When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth”

- Jack Canfield

To give an example of what the quiz might show you, we have listed a sample assessment of what we call a personalized Roleset from a participant. This assessment is delivered by MyTeamRole (a sister company of Lumiere Sciences).

Seven Roles Framework Roleset

This young woman scores the highest in Luminary, Organizer, and Team Builder. For this person, she would thrive meeting new people (Luminary), love changing internal processes to create the most successful work flow (Organizer), and enjoy working with her coworkers and family to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and needs are met (Team Builder).

Her lowest scores would be Implementor, Conceptualizer and Investor. This translates to her struggling with carrying out her lofty ideas as a high Luminary because she has a hard time sitting still and completing the mundane, yet essential daily tasks (low Implementor score). She might also struggle with taking the needed time to research processes before launching new ideas or projects (low Conceptualizer score). And she might also be afraid of talking about money or struggle with using their time well (low Investor score). There are many other qualities representative of each Role, but I am highlighting only a few to give you a glimpse of the process.

So you can see that this woman is effective because she is able to engage well with a diversified group of people, optimize process flow, and care for the needs of her team. However, she is also ineffective as she has a harder time carrying out mundane tasks, makes faster decisions at times than is good for her, and cares about money and time well spent but does not know how to execute proficiently in those realms. For her to have the most impact, she needs to learn how to play her lowest Roles to become the most effective and well-rounded version of herself.

In this two week series, we will be sharing real life stories of people who are exceptional and executing their life to the best of their ability. We will specifically be focusing on how each person has been dealing with stress during the pandemic and the choices they could make to avoid burnout. Each individual, like the one discussed above, will have Roles they need to lean into more if they want to 1) reach their potential and 2) thrive under pressure during this trying time.

Stay tuned as we release one story a week for this series.

Lumiere Sciences is a tech-education company providing collaboration-focused sessions and executive coaching around the 7 Roles Framework. We help your team’s boost productivity, be empowered in their strengths, and achieve goals through 7 critical Roles!

We help team’s understand each-others Role strengths and weaknesses, create efficiencies and build harmony. Managers are well-equipped to lead, hire and retain top talent. Our family-owned company, My Team Role, can give you a brief overview of the roles, let you access our assessment, and allow you to schedule individual coaching sessions with one of our executive coaches.



Ingrid Morris
My Team Role

I love to share stories that help people rally around common human experiences