Sturdy trees grow s l o w l y

erin mcconlogue
My Team Role
Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

The Conceptualizer Role takes time time to deliver advice, an idea or a finished product — but once they’re done, it’s a true masterpiece. Do you play the Conceptualizer Role?

Conceptualizers are critical for product validation, substantiating change and empowering other’s with information. It’s a beautiful Role and every Friday this month, we’ll uncover together:

  1. How the Conceptualizer can communicate value in a performance review.
  2. Tactics to work effectively with Conceptualizers.
  3. How to lead a Conceptualizer ‘team’ within an org.
  4. How to develop the Conceptualizer Role to boost your career.

We’ll have a special event concluding this series to meet professionals seeking to develop skills around the 7 Roles.

How could a Conceptualizer communicate their value?

*This is written in pure conceptualizer style. You’ll enjoy it if you play this Role.

Conceptualizers are masterful teachers, learners and investigators. There’s always more to know about a subject.

When it comes to expressing your value, this Role is likely more prepared than any of the 7 Roles.

Here’s one tip to express your value effectively.

Don’t show all your cards.

Conceptualizers should treat a performance review like a game of poker. It’s not about the cards you show, it’s about the cards other’s can’t see.

The Conceptualizer’s superpower is in what they haven’t said, that your boss has to acquire.

Come prepared to share it all then express only one item important to you. State it and wait.

Let’s play through a scenario below.

Your performance review is around the corner, you’ve gathered all the data possible. You’ve gone though past performance reviews to identify trends and looked up promotion stats across industries. You’ve waited to talk with your boss until you were 100% certain you’re ready.

It’s the morning of your big review, identify one thing you want to discuss more than anything. Instead of unrolling the scroll of preparation, give them a little something.

You — “I’ve analyzed our quarterly earnings and my project contributed 20% to your OKRs.”

Don’t tell them how, why, who was involved, or how long it took you. Just tell them and wait.

Your goal is that they ask questions. Questions are your invitation to share what you know and evidence of your bosses engagement.

Knowledge is your superpower. But instead of sharing, wait for curiosity to invite you.

Let’s say they’ve asked a question and giddy with excitement, you jump in with your prepared response.

While discussing insights, watch out for conversational layering.

This is a phenomenon when someone subconsciously talks over you when they are trying to slow the conversation. It sounds mean but it happens all the time. They might be late, bored or think they have enough info.

You — “I have all these things I’m prepared to share.”

Boss — “Mmhmm, yes, yes…”

You — “See these quarterly earnings…stat stat stat…smart smart smart….data data data…..”

Boss — ‘Yep I see… Yep I got it. Yep yep yep.”

Leonardo Da Vinci said, “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Less is more.

Your power is in what you haven’t shared that they need to ask the right question to receive.

Want more? Join us for an online event learning from a master Conceptualizer, Nicole York.

